Quick Review: "American Sniper"

"American Sniper"
Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller

Finally got time to watch this film. It's been reigning as the top box office champ for two weeks now and it's because it's incredibly well-made and the story well-told. This is Clint Eastwood's best film since "Million Dollar Baby", Bradley Cooper's best performance to date, and the best American film (next to "Boyhood") among the best picture nominees at the Oscars.

Watch it! It's how movies based on heroic lives of real people are supposed to be made. This is Eastwood's crowning glory!

On Facebook, a friend is insisting that "But The Hurt Locker is still better. LOL,", to which i replied, "Both are masterpieces but Hurt Locker had a weightier subject matter although the filmmaking and storytelling in American Sniper is way, way better!

Another friend suggested that "Still can't excuse that fake rubber baby! LOL." I had a ready reply, too. I said, "Haha! Well, that's Economics of Filmmaking 101, i suppose."

Rating: 5 stars

Raymond Lo

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